Monday, March 7, 2016

Guilds rock

An homage to fiber guilds and their members

Terry's Deflected Double Weave

Currently, membership in groups of all kinds is at an all-time low. The causes, of course, are varied but two things are commonly cited: Time--people are busy--and the Internet. Why attend a meeting when all the information is online?
Mary's Rhododendron tapestry

The Internet may be an awesome resource, but there is nothing like the personal experience of sharing with others. And whether you're looking for inspiration or information, a guild is the place to find it.  

I recently attended two guild meetings. One was the New York Handweavers Guild's annual show-and-tell. Sitting around a large table, members shared their projects from the past year. A wealth of information accompanied each piece. 
Some projects originated with a workshop the weaver had taken. Others were independent studies. Here are few I particularly liked--and their photos came out.

Mary designed three beautiful tapestries that were woven on a jacquard loom. Quite spectacular! (Rhododendron is above left.) 

Perhaps because the South Jersey Guild has been studying double weaves this year, I particularly liked Terry's deflected double weave. 
Cari's towel, Gebrochene pattern

And the linens! I confess that I've never been inclined to weave hand towels but I may have to reconsider after seeing some of the beautiful handwoven towels and that lovely damask napkin yardage.

One project was the happy outcome of a favorite sweater that had been felted by mistake. (She made a vest and mittens.) She also made  tote that was upcycled from a Harris tweed jacket (below). Very clever!

Wrapping up...and down

The program at the South Jersey Guild of Spinners and Handweavers was led by Ellen Turner, who taught members how to make a dragon boat ornament. It's cleverly wrapped. No weaving, sewing, braiding or spinning involved.

Interested in finding a guild?

Here in the Northeast, there a number of guilds that are likely to be  within a reasonable distance. (The MidAtlantic Fiber Association, MAFA, counts nearly 60 in that region. For other locations, find a guild or club in your area at the Handweavers Guild of America.

Pam's tote
Pam's felted mittens

1 comment:

  1. And there are the members of the EGA Embroiderers' Guild of America. Our Princeton Chapter is growing.
