Wednesday, February 4, 2015

A riot of colors and shapes

Shawls, vest, hats, and more
I've partaken of the visual stimulation and enthusiasm of Steven Be and Stephen West, the maestros of modular knitting, color pop, and bling. After three sessions with them, my mind roils with colors and shapes.

Signing up for the course seemed predestined, thanks to the timing of a very thoughtful gift from work colleagues and the availability of the Stephen&Steven MixTape tour at Woolbearers, my LYS (local yarn shop). I decided on full immersion and signed on for all three tutorial sessions.
Stephen West and his red shawl

After the first two back-to-back sessions my mind was in a state of wild chaos. I was far too stimulated to sleep as ideas and plans ran through my brain.

Look at this red and fuchsia shawl that Stephen West is holding at right. The charcoal lines make those colors stand out and look like more variations in color than there are. Primarily achieved with garter stitch and short rows, this shawl starts in one corner, here at the far right, and builds to the left. His Westknit patterns are on Ravelry as well as through his web site. (There are some free ones there, too!)

Stephen's partner in knitting passion is Steven Berg, aka StevenBe, shown here at left. He wears his passion and follows his advice, "Let no continuous strand go unknitted." Although the detail doesn't show, his jacket is knit through with multimedia tape of a family event. What a way to carry your family with you.

Although the sessions focused on knitting and included some 'how-to's,' the strategy is applicable to any creative process. It's as valid for weaving, dyeing, cross-stitch--even painting or woodworking or you-name-it--as it is for knitting. Skills first, then push the boundaries. As StevenBe says, "Once you have the skills, bust it out."

Today I'm ready to bust it out.

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